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Finding Open Image Collections: Image & Music Use Guide

This guide is to assist you in better understanding the various license agreements available when accessing images on the internet. Here you will find information on licencing, how to cite images for your papers and presentations, as well as an ever-growi

Citing Canva Stock Images

Stock Images from Canva (Free version)

Canva's stock images come from Pixabay, Pexels or CC0. These sources are covered by the Free Content License, which does not require attribution (i.e. a citation)

Stock images from Canva (Paid version)

If you pay for Canva and therefore get access to the paid images, you have non-exclusive, perpetual rights to use the images, so you do not have to cite them.


So the short answer is...

When you use a program or online service ALWAYS check the full terms of use.


When you don't have to cite

Looking at the terms of use, in this case you are not required to cite images from Canva but a citation will never hurt you, citations or basic source information can serve as an indicator as to where images have been sourced IF copyright concerns ever arise.

Having source information makes sure you remember where your images came from, and allows you to check back on the terms of use. Source information allows anyone wondering where you got the images to locate them and their terms of use as well.

Citing Powerpoint Stock Images

Stock Images from Microsoft Office Products (PowerPoint, Publisher, Word, etc.)

All MS Office products have three image options:

  1. Insert from "This device," i.e. Upload your own image -- in this case, YOU are responsible for the content, determining the licence and applying a citation if appropriate
  2. Insert from "Stock images" -- these as their use is included in the software license; you DO NOT have to cite them as long as you are not exporting them to third party software.
  3. Insert from "Online pictures" -- This is just an embedded web search using Bing; YOU are responsible for checking the content the same as using a regular Google search.


So the short answer is...

When you use a program or online service ALWAYS check the full terms of use.


Keep in mind

If you are using the embedded search or uploading your own images (points 1 and 3), then you are responsible for checking and including a citation if necessary.

If you are using the stock images from PPT, you are not required to give attribution when using them in MS office based documents and software, but again,citation will never hurt you. Source information reminds you where that image came from when you review your presentation, or if somebody asks.

Providing source information tends to be a helpful practice and habit. Sourcing doesn't have to be as formal as a full citation but indicating source information such as "image source MS office"   will let individuals viewing your presentation know where the images came from, and stand as a record for you as to where you pulled the images from.