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BUS114: Small Business Planning (Hall): Find NAICS/SIC Codes & Regulations

How to locate NAICS/SIC Codes & Federal Regulations

Below you can download step by step tutorial on how to find your NAICS and SIC Codes.  There is also a tutorial on locating federal regulations regarding your industry.

Finding SIC & NAICS Codes

Industry Regulation

What's Here?

On this page you will find a lot of information, some of which can be quite dense. 

I've broken the industry research into (hopefully) digestable chunks using your assignment as guidance.  In the top center box you will see links to pages that will help you identify the industry code that best matches your small business.  There is a tutorial on the far left side of the screen that will walk you through the research, step by step.

In the second box you will find links to pages that will help you find regulations on your industry.  There is also a tutorial on the far left side of the screento walk you through the research, step by step.