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First Year Students

This libguide is to support incoming freshman on library services.


Welcome to Bristol Community College!

The BCC Libraries are available to help you make the transition from high school or returning back to school to an academic environment. This guide is useful for first year students at any age. As a freshman, there will be new challenges, new opportunities, and new skills for you to learn and master. Please don't hesitate to ask for help.

  • Feel lost or overwhelmed by your assignments?  Don't know where to start?  No worries - we are here to help you!
  • Make the Library your learning and discovery partner -- class assignments, discovery, research papers, studying and group work, and more
  • Get help by topic, class, or library service with the Research Guides.
  • Search the library and discover books, articles, and other resources
  • Formulate a topic for your paper
  • Objectively evaluate the sources you've found and make sure they are right for your topic
  • Integrate these sources into your plan for a paper or assignment
  • Use correct citation methods to build your bibliography
  • Become a confident library user by learning, looking, questioning, and seeking help
  • Make the library your place for study, meeting, group work, collaboration, and haven of learning and discovery
