The conflict between traditional publishing models and reduced library budgets has led to a loss of access to scholarly literature for researchers. Subscriptions to traditionally published journals can be exorbitant - often thousands of dollars for an annual subscription.
In contrast to the traditional "reader pays" publishing model, the "author pays" model entails the publishers charging fees to authors, then providing open access to content.
In this model, publishers receive full system capabilities for a group of editorial and production users, with access to all system features and only pay for the number of final PDF pages produced, and not for galleys, HTML files, etc.
Really Strategies: Pay-Per-Page Service
Frequently utilizing direct or indirect subsidies from institutions and/or grants, the majority of open access journals do not charge publication fees (Suber, 2006; Shieber, 2009). Some have revenue streams from advertising or reprints.
Philosophers' Imprint "Edited by philosophers - Published by librarians - Free to readers of the Web"
— University of Michigan Library
Rasenna: Journal of the Center for Etruscan Studies
— ScholarWorks, UMass Amherst Libraries
And, taking a new direction in open access journals, Vectors: Journal of Culture and Technology in a Dynamic Vernacular is peer-reviewed and is realized in a multimedia format
An online, central location for the collection, organization, dissemination, and preservation of the scholarly and research output of an institution or of a single discipline or several related disciplines. They "have the potential to serve as tangible indicators of a university's quality and to demonstrate the scientific, societal, and economic relevance of its research activities, thus increasing the institution's visibility, status, and public value" (Bailey, 2008).
ScholarWorks — UMass Amherst Libraries
ESENCe (Ethics in Science and Engineering Clearinghouse Beta) — NSF and UMass Amherst Libraries
InterNano — National Nanomanufacturing Network
PubMed — U.S. National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health e-Print archive — Cornell University Library
RePEc — A volunteer collaborative effort
Scholars can use addendums to publisher agreements to protect their author rights.
"What's hot and cooking in scholarly publishing."
These two PDF documents provide further insight into new directions in scholarly publishing: