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Information Literacy

Synthesizing Your Sources

Synthesizing means to combine a large number of things into a cohesive whole.  When you do research, synthesizing your sources can help to bring together different ideas and theories.

Ideas for Research Assignments

Annotated Bibliographies
Sample Assignment: Prepare an annotated bibliography about your chosen topic. Find a specified number of sources.
e.g. five sources (books, scholarly articles, and/or Websites.) Write brief evaluative annotations. Each annotation must include:

  • a statement on how the source contributed to understanding of the topic.
  • an accurate, complete, and consistent use of a citation style , such as APA or MLA.

Learning objectives and Information literacy outcomes for this assignment:

  • Develops skills in critical thinking, analysis, reading and writing.
  • Develops a sense of how information is dispersed in the particular subject area.
  • Develops a sense of how research is conducted and choices researchers make for their projects.
  • Develops skills in locating and evaluating information about the subject.
  • Develops skills in citation styles and in using information ethically.

Comparative Analysis

Sample Assignment: Compare three sources of information about an event or topic.
Locate an article on a specific event or topic from three different sources -
Newspapers or Magazines; scholarly or research articles from a journal;
Website information (National/International sites).
Compare and contrast the information provided for the event/topic and present your findings as an essay or presentation.
The criteria for comparing sources should include checking for:

  • Accuracy of information presented;
  • Authority of the author/producer of information;
  • Objectivity of the information presented;
  • Currency or date information was presented or created;

Learning objectives and Information literacy outcomes for this assignment:

  • Develops skills in critical thinking, analysis, reading and writing
  • Develops skills to evaluate information based on content as well as source.
  • Develops awareness of the impact of author's intent, audience and background on information presented.

    Research Logs
    Sample Assignment: This assignment is especially useful when students are required to write a research paper.]

Keep a record of all the steps you took for researching your topic.
Note down your search terms, keywords used; techniques and methods used to find information;
sources consulted and reasons why; successes and failures of your process.
The assignment will not be graded more for searching success, but for the process used including analytical and detailed log entries.

Learning objectives and Information literacy outcomes for this assignment:

  • Develops skills in critical thinking, analysis, reading and writing.
  • Develops skills in searching using alternative vocabulary.
  • Develops skills in locating and evaluating information about the subject.
  • Develops a sense of how information is dispersed in the particular subject area.
  • Develops understanding of effective vs. ineffective search strategies.

Develops a sense of how research is conducted and choices researchers make for their projects.

Search Analysis

Sample Assignment: Provide a clear statement of your search topic.
Jot down keywords or subject terms you will use for searching a database
(e.g. Academic Search Premier) and a Web search engine (e.g. Google).
Compare, describe and evaluate the results for your searches.

Learning objectives and Information literacy outcomes for this assignment:

  • Demonstrates the differences among search tools in terms of content and search strategy.
  • Develops skills in searching using alternative vocabulary.
  • Develops skills to evaluate information based on source.
  • Develops analytical skills.
  • Develops the ability to make deliberate choices of databases and search tools for locating specific information.

Topical Research Analysis

Sample Assignment: Trace the research on your topic over a time period of specified number of years.
When, where and how did information about your topic begin and develop?
Search for information in specialized subject encyclopedias, reference sources,

books and articles to determine how your topic has changed over this time period.

Learning objectives and Information literacy outcomes for this assignment:

  • Develops skills in critical thinking, analysis, reading and writing.
  • Develops skills to evaluate information based on source.
  • Develops awareness of the process of scholarship and communication in a research topic or field.