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ENG101: College Writing (Food) (Benson)

Why should I look for academic articles?

Why should you do research in academic journals?

  • Academic journal articles are often authored by scholars active in a particular field
  • Academic journal articles provide a close look at a particular topic
  • Academic journal articles often provide data to support their findings
  • Academic journal articles can lead readers to other sources through their bibliographies

If you find one good article that supports your research, you can use the bibliography at the end of the paper to locate further research.

What are Library Databases?

Multidisciplinary Article Databases

Use BCC library databases to find articles from magazines, journals, and newspapers. Review the Search Tips page for help in constructing a good search phrase. Most databases have options for limiting results, such as by publication date, resource type, additional subjects. Check them out - it's well worth your time to target your results! An alphabetical listing of BCC's databases provides a brief description of each and the subject matter covered. Below is a selection of databases which are useful for College Writing:

Topic Portals

Topic portals organize selected sources to introduce you to a variety of current events, influential people and controversial issues. The content in these "gateway pages"  is by no means exhaustive so use it more as a jumping off point. 

Remote Access for Science Direct

Follow these steps to request remote access for your account:

  1. Go to the ScienceDirect main page.
  2. Click 'Remote access’ in the footer of the page. The ‘Apply for remote access’ dialog displays.


remote access


  1. Enter your email address and click 'Continue’.
    • You may be requested to select your organisation if more than one account or organization is associated with your email address.
  2. If you are not registered in ScienceDirect, the registration page displays.
    Either register for an account with ScienceDirect and click ‘Register’ or click ‘Continue without registering’.
  3. You will receive an email with a remote access activation link. Click the link to activate your account.

After completing these steps:

  • You may be prompted to sign in.
  • You will have remote access for 180 days to your account.
  • Your access will automatically be extended each time you sign into your account.
  • You may need to repeat this process, if you do not sign in to ScienceDirect for a long time.