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ENG102: Writing About Literature (Beaulieu-Smith)

What is a Reference Resource?

Reference resources are usually encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, manuals and other books that you would refer to when wanting to know a definition of a word or concept, a general overview of a topic, specific information about a certain period of time or event in history.

eReference Resources

Using Wikipedia


Using Wikipedia can be a great place to start your research.  You can learn about a topic, much like you can in Credo Reference, but you can also find links to other sources.   Never cite Wikipedia, but use it as a jumping off point for your research.  

For example, look up the author Kate Chopin, who wrote Desire's Baby

- you will see all of Kate Chopin's works listed.  Check under the References section to see if there is an essay about Desire's Baby.  There could also be a book mentioned with a link to the actual book.  Use the Reference section as a jumping off point to secondary sources.


Specifc Encyclopedias